$JMPT Contract Addresses
Binance Smart Chain
Importing $JMPT on different wallets
- Metamask
- Torus
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to Import $JMPT to your Metamask wallet:
2. Copy $JMPT token contract address into the "Token Contract Address" field. The remaining fields will be completely auto-filled. Click "Import Token"
3. Now $JMPT will be visible in your "Assets" page. If your balance seems to be incorrect, please make sure that you have added the token in the correct network (BSC/CELO).
Trust wallet
Open your trust wallet and press the $ symbol. A screen with a list of available chains will be presented to you, please select the right network (BSC, Celo, or Polygon) and import the $JMPT using the instructions below.
Here is a guide on how to import $JMPT to your Trust Wallet:
1. Open your wallet and click ($) - Manage Tokens Icon.
2. Press "Add Custom token" button.
3. Choose the right network (BSC/Celo)
4. Paste $JMPT Contract Address and click "Add token"
You will now be able to see your $JMPT tokens in your Trust wallet.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to add $JMPT on Torus Wallet:
1. In order to manually add tokens, you need to select an option "Add Token Here"
2. Consequently, you will need to add $JMPT Contract Address in the next window and click Next
3. Select "Add Token" and $JMPT will be represented on your Torus Wallet.